Frequently asked questions

About Home Equity Line of Credit

What is a HELOC?
How can I use my Selina HELOC?
How much can I borrow and for how long?
What happens after the flexible period?
What advantages does it have over remortgaging?
What rates apply?
Are there any fees?
Can I repay early?
What do repayments cover and how are they made?
Will my repayment amount change?

About Homeowner Loan

What is the Selina Homeowner Loan?
How can I use my Selina Homeowner Loan?
How much can I borrow and for how long?
What rates apply?
Are there any fees?
Can I repay early?
What do repayments cover and how are they made?
Can I change my repayment amount?


Who is eligible for Selina products?
What are the basic property requirements?
How do you value my property?


How do I apply?
What are the supporting documents?

Help and contact

How can I contact Selina Advance?
How can I make a complaint?
What happens if I miss repayments?